Battle Swords
- Scottish / Celtic Replica Weapons
SD901064 William Wallace Sword
Stainless Steel Blade -
52" Total Length

Close up of Sword Hilt Area
Distressed Leather Grip - Leather Scabbard
- Brass Hilt and Pommel
SD901064-SL William Wallace
Stainless Steel Blade
- 52" Total Length
Same Item as Above with Nickel Siler Finish
Hilt and Pommel

Closeup of Hilt Area
SD910882 - Scottish Highlands Broadsword
Complete with Brass Quillions on Hilt - High

Closeup of Hilt Detail
Flannel Lined Basket Brass Hilt - Wire Wrapped
Leather Handle
High Carbon Steel Blade and Scabbard - 41"
total length - 34" Blade
SD902914 Galahad Battle-Ready
Sword and Sheath

Brass Hilt and Pummel , Wooden Grip - 38"
Stainless Steel Blade - Includes Leather Black
Sheath w/Detail
SD901055-BK Celtic Battle Sword Stainless
Charcoal Wood Grip

Closeup of Sword Hilt Detail
31" Long Total - Chrome Nickel Hilt and
Pommel - Comes with Sheath
Wrought Iron Home armor index
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Substantial Discounts Available for Volume Dealers
Grace Mfg. Co. Inc.