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Bar Stools - Extra Tall - 34 to 36 inch seat

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Wholesale to the Trade ONLY!

Standard Frame , Non-Swivel for use at up to 48" tall bars

Modern neoclassic bar stool in extra tall height with upholstered seat cushion
Tall Neoclassic Bar stool
36" to top of Seat (34 inch frame)
Available in all Stock Finishes and Fabrics

Tall backless metal bar stool
Extra Tall
Barstool - Backless

36" to top of Seat (34 inch frame)
Available in all Stock
Finishes and Fabrics

Wrought iton rose back extrra tall bar stool with 36 inch seat height
Extra Tall Rose Bar stool

36" to top of Seat (34 inch frame)
Available in all Stock Finishes
and Fabrics

extra tall 34 / 36 swivel frame for use at up to 48 inch tall bars

Tall wrought iron swivel bar stool with upholstered seat cushion

Backless Extra Tall Swivel Stool
36" tall for 45" to 48" bars

Metal backless swivel bar stools - Extra Tall

 Extra Tall Swivel Neo
Neoclassic - 36" to top of Seat
Available in all Stock
other neoclassic styles
Finishes and Fabrics

Extra Tall
Swivel Bar Stool

Backless - 36" to top of Seat
more backless stools
Avail. in all Stock Finishes
Round Wood Seat Option

SW334  Bar Stool
Moderno Tall Backless Swivel
36" Tall to top of seat
more backless stools
Round Wood Seat Option

The bar stool frames and bases you see here are also available without the upholstered seat.

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bars    tall bar tables   wrought iron dining tables

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   Made in the U.S.A. By  Grace Mfg. Co.
Minimum Opening Order - Wholesale to the Trade ONLY! - Business License Required
Substantial Discounts Available for Volume Dealers
Contract, Commercial and Residential Designers Welcome!

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